Introducing Financial Trade Center™
For more than sixty years we've been a small company with big ideas.
F FTC is a diversified financial services organization built upon a well-established infrastructure of core businesses dating back to 1954. Across the decades we've merged, acquired, re-branded, drank a lot of cups of coffee and missed quite a few hours of sleep.
We've managed thousands of lives, from the needy to the novice, the middle class to the most financially exposed - helping to solve their toughest financial challenges. We have harnessed every bit of what we have learned and created our most exciting and powerful customer experience yet.
Our high quality investment portfolios', diverse business platform and prudent risk management practices are just a few of the reasons why our clients choose FTC for all of their important financial needs.
Looking forward, our future is bright. We will continue to re-engineer product and service distribution through a unique combination of technology based applications, guided learning tools and streamlined human interaction. Further expand our FTC Partner Network™ while seeking to help more people manage their personal finances than ever before. The goal is perpetual evolution…help our members spend less, save more and invest smart.
There are many reasons why people want to work with FTC
We Use Top Quality Companies For Our Customer Accounts
A few you might recognize :)